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Dragon Quest IX guide / Bestiary

Monster data explanation
Statistics and Attributes Key
 EXP - The experience points your party will gain when killing this monster.
Gold - The gold your party will gain when killing this monster.
 ATK - The attack power of the monster.
 DEF - The defense power of the monster.
 AGI - The agility of the monster that also affects its speed.

 Fire - Fire attribute (Frizz, Frizzle, etc)
  Ice - Ice attribute (Crack, Crackle, etc)
 Wind - Wind attribute (Woosh, Swoosh, etc)
Blast - Explosion and thunder attribute (Bang, Boom, etc)
Earth - Earth attribute (Funereal fource, etc)
 Dark - Dark attribute (Zam, Zammle, etc)
Light - Light attribute (Starburst throw, Life fource, etc)

Dazle - Hallucinate/Illusion effect
Sleep - Sleep effect
Death - Instant death effect
DrnMP - Drain MP effect
Confu - Confusion effect
Fizle - Block spellcasting effect
 Stop - Stop action effect
Poisn - Poison effect
Prlyz - Paralyze effect
DecAK - Decrease attack effect
DecDF - Decrease defense effect
DecSP - Decrease speed effect
DecMR - Decrease magic resistance effect
Msmrz - Susceptibility to become mesmerized by character's style

Each monster has a value given for each of the above attributes. A higher number in a given attribute represents a weakness towards that attribute. A lower number represents strength and resistance towards that attribute. Neutral is defined by the value of 100. Values above 100 indicate weakness while values below 100 indicate strength. A value of zero (0) indicates immunity to that attribute.

For example, if a monster has Fire at 75 and Ice at 150, it would only take 75% damage from fire based attacks, but 150% damage from ice based attacks.

The numbers for the Status Attributes indicate how likely that particular status is to affect the monster when cast upon it. So you are not very likely to put a monster to sleep that has the Sleep status attribute at 25.

Finally, the percentages next to the item drops represent the percentage chance you have of acquiring that item at the end of a battle.

Fright knight
#181 | Zombie

Destroy these dastardly masters of Freezing Blizzard first so they can't zap everyone back to life with Zing.

Knightly nightmares, they're forever barking orders at their stenchurion flunkies, who obey without question.

Gittingham Palace
Items Dropped
Sword breaker (1.56%)
Dark shield (0.39%)
Exp2180 Gold carried180 HP226 MP33 Atk161 Def206 Agi130
Fire125 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop25
Poison50 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize5
Wight king
#182 | Zombie

They foil magic with Fizzle, slash spell resistance with Divine Intervention, and stir up a storm with Swoosh.

Recently quoted as saying: 'wE MigHT bE No MoRe tHaN STiNkINg zoMbiEs, bUT aT LEaSt We'Re tHE KinGs Of STInKing!'

Gittingham Palace
Items Dropped
Priestess's pinafore (0.78%)
Seed of therapeusis (0.39%)
Exp1680 Gold carried165 HP186 MP75 Atk143 Def196 Agi149
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk100 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
#183 | Humanoid

They sweep enemy attacks aside in one smooth movement, then spin around to smack back the next. Weak against light.

Wandering assassins employed by the Empire. Ordered to obliterate all who attempt to enter the imperial stronghold.

Items Dropped
Sacred claws (1.56%)
Dragon mail (0.78%)
Exp1980 Gold carried187 HP206 MP24 Atk153 Def198 Agi178
Fire100 Ice50 Wind50 Blast100 Earth125 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop25
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
#184 | Demon

Malicious monsters who batter adventurers with Boom and Freezing Blizzard, and have no real weaknesses to bite back at.

Their wings are where their souls reside, and as long as they remain, they can always be brought back to life.

Items Dropped
Gold ring (3.13%)
Skull ring (0.39%)
Exp2280 Gold carried132 HP220 MP18 Atk150 Def220 Agi153
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop25
Poison50 Paralyze25 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Mandrake marshal
#185 | Dragon

Fierce fighters backed up by an array of support spells. They look scary but don't do well against death spells.

They studied with the wight kings to learn the ways of wizardry, and are always up for improving their abilities further.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Dragon scale (1.56%)
Dragonsbane (0.78%)
Exp2200 Gold carried140 HP222 MP24 Atk163 Def212 Agi152
Fire100 Ice50 Wind100 Blast50 Earth150 Dark150 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death100 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
Bad karmour
#186 | Material

Steely devils who harm with Helm Splitter and Double-Edged Slash, and like to protect their pals. Don't let them cast Kabuff.

They're possessed by the souls of soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the sake of Godwyn of the House of Gitt.

Items Dropped
Iron ore (6.25%)
Hades' helm (0.78%)
Exp2280 Gold carried132 HP188 MP10 Atk161 Def262 Agi98
Fire50 Ice100 Wind50 Blast50 Earth150 Dark100 Light150
Dazle75 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison100 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR100 Mesmerize5
#187 | Dragon

Shelled fellows who are no suckers, and can send back spells with Bounce and push back attacks with Pincushion.

They're famed for being fearsome, but at home, they like nothing more than rolling over to have their tummies tickled.

Items Dropped
Tortoiseshell (12.5%)
Dragon scale (3.13%)
Exp2500 Gold carried188 HP215 MP8 Atk171 Def240 Agi103
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast50 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death75 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle75 Stop0
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize15
King crab
#188 | Aquatic

They send foes to sleep with Snooze, then snip them silly with their claws. Whistling and the Eyes on Me ability upset them.

Jealous of the slime stack's popularity, they've been considering competing with a three-crab pile-up of their own.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Sleeping hibiscus (6.25%)
Poison moth knife (0.78%)
Exp2800 Gold carried146 HP270 MP12 Atk181 Def235 Agi158
Fire100 Ice75 Wind100 Blast125 Earth50 Dark100 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death75 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle75 Stop50
Poison100 Paralyze25 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
Genie sanguini
#189 | Demon

Cute little critters that can sing a Gritty Ditty to pump up their pals, or do the Kerplunk Dance to bring them back from beyond.

Little sanguinis who were supposed to mature into bloody manguinis, but grew into these lovable lumps instead.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Prayer ring (1.56%)
Saint's ashes (0.78%)
Exp1260 Gold carried96 HP155 MP37 Atk89 Def155 Agi162
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark200 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death25 Drain MP75 Confusion25 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison100 Paralyze25 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR25 Mesmerize15
Cumulus vex
#190 | Elemental

These kings among clouds rule the skies of hell, and can channel the power of lightning into a Weakening Wave.

These monsters may be the result of a mutation in the misty genes of the freezing fog.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Thunderball (6.25%)
Seed of sorcery (0.39%)
Exp2300 Gold carried178 HP268 MP40 Atk169 Def246 Agi161
Fire100 Ice100 Wind50 Blast50 Earth50 Dark100 Light200
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize0
Red dragon
#191 | Dragon

Fiery dragons that engulf enemies in all manner of intense infernos, but fear the might of light.

It's only when pups shed their skins to become adults that they discover if they've developed into red or green dragons.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Dragon scale (6.25%)
Dragon claws (0.78%)
Exp3000 Gold carried98 HP325 MP9 Atk198 Def230 Agi121
Fire50 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
#192 | Demon

Stupidly strong, stamina-heavy and slightly slapdash smashers who can be licked with lightning.

Some say they're massive sports fans, so much so that they've named their race after their favourite team.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Strength ring (1.56%)
Ace of clubs (0.78%)
Exp3200 Gold carried110 HP640 MP9 Atk212 Def190 Agi115
Fire100 Ice50 Wind100 Blast150 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death1 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze25 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize15
Belisha beakon
#193 | Bird

Their whirlwind speed allows them to attack twice per turn, wards off wind spells and makes them masters of Swoosh.

Big fans of clean air and a fresh breeze, they are keen climbers, but don't care for Upover on account of its close climate.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Crimson coral (3.13%)
Red tights (0.78%)
Exp1460 Gold carried104 HP136 MP10 Atk146 Def143 Agi167
Fire150 Ice50 Wind50 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle75 Stop75
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk75 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize15
#194 | Material

Enchanted suits of armour that are well-protected against all manner of magic, and can cast sleep. Attack them with earth.

Their armour isn't made of iron, or even platinum, but of crystals of concentrated conjury, which give it mighty magical power.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Magic armour (3.13%)
Halberd (0.78%)
Exp2450 Gold carried192 HP220 MP50 Atk171 Def270 Agi134
Fire75 Ice75 Wind50 Blast50 Earth200 Dark75 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep100 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle25 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#195 | Slime

Kind-hearted slimes who care more about curing than killing. Commonly called on by the similarly coloured lethal armour.

They'd love to help travellers with healing spells too, but they're terrified of being told off by uptight king slimes.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Slimedrop (6.25%)
Panacea (1.56%)
Exp1350 Gold carried167 HP165 MP120 Atk158 Def172 Agi143
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light75
Dazle75 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze50 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed100 Dec MR100 Mesmerize25
Great troll
#196 | Demon

Kings among trolls, they might be big dunces, but their insane stamina more than makes up for it.

They use their strength to keep the other trolls down, but can't quite fit their heads into their tiny crowns.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Special medicine (3.13%)
Marauder's maul (0.78%)
Exp3800 Gold carried78 HP768 MP36 Atk220 Def132 Agi107
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP75 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize15
Cobra cardinal
#197 | Demon

Masters of most forms of magic, who are admired by many monsters, and cause chaos with Kazing, Kasnooze and Zammle.

They like to joke that studying all the spells in the world takes a lot of 'cobrains' because it's 'cardinally hard'.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Fizzle-retardant blouse (0.78%)
Elfin elixir (0.39%)
Exp2180 Gold carried184 HP236 MP90 Atk163 Def198 Agi160
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast150 Earth50 Dark50 Light200
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle25 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze25 Dec Atk100 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
Prism peacock
#198 | Bird

Brightly coloured, burning birds that fry all foes with their Flame Breath, and cremate those who confound them with Kafrizz.

People say that aging prism peacocks throw themselves into volcanoes to be reborn as comsic chimaeras.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Lunaria (3.13%)
Tint-tastic tutu (0.39%)
Exp2300 Gold carried168 HP246 MP40 Atk171 Def234 Agi177
Fire50 Ice125 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop25
Poison75 Paralyze25 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
Night knight
#199 | Zombie

Emperors of the undead who can mend friends with Fullheal, batter foes with critical blows, and smack hard with Kacrack.

Cruel kings who forced their followers to travel with them into the underworld so their kingdoms could continue.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Dark shield (1.56%)
Skull helm (0.39%)
Exp2980 Gold carried182 HP256 MP48 Atk186 Def225 Agi169
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light200
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop25
Poison50 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
#200 | Dragon

Serpentine sovereigns of the wind who smash enemies with Swoosh, burn them with Inferno, then conclude with their claws.

Once, when some of them were sleeping, some belisha beakons mistook them for mountains and scaled their scaly sides.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Dragon scale (6.25%)
Densinium (0.78%)
Exp3450 Gold carried152 HP520 MP18 Atk203 Def203 Agi112
Fire100 Ice150 Wind50 Blast100 Earth50 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze25 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
#201 | Demon

Beasts whose burning rage causes them to spit flames and cast Kaboom. Protected against pyrotechnical techniques.

The weeny wings on their backs bloom into spectacular, sky-soaring sails when they return to their hellish home.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Terrible tattoo (6.25%)
Raging bull helm (0.78%)
Exp3400 Gold carried187 HP355 MP30 Atk199 Def255 Agi178
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle75 Stop25
Poison25 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Firn fiend
#202 | Elemental

Should be fried with fire before they induce indolence with Sweet Breath and follow up with Freezing Blizzard.

Ice elementals born from glaciers. They absorb treasures left by fallen adventurers and stash them inside themselves.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Ice crystal (6.25%)
Reset stone (0.39%)
Exp3200 Gold carried172 HP365 MP0 Atk195 Def268 Agi104
Fire200 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion25 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize0
Sick trigertaur
#203 | Beast

They enjoy attacks that damage all enemies like Party Pooper and Boom, and like to rub it in by whistling at weakened foes.

Believed until not long ago that they could change forms by holding their tridents aloft and shouting out 'Traaansfooorm!'

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Horse manure (6.25%)
Partisan (0.78%)
Exp3600 Gold carried195 HP480 MP32 Atk208 Def222 Agi156
Fire100 Ice50 Wind150 Blast50 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion25 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison25 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
#204 | Material

Shut these big, bad boxes up with Fizzle before they send you to sleep with Sweet Breath or waste you with Whack.

Monsters who've morphed into boxes to ambush adventurers. What treasures wait inside their well-guarded wooden depths?

Tower of Trades
The Bad Cave
Items Dropped
Mini medal (6.25%)
Gold bracer (0.78%)
Exp960 Gold carried210 HP187 MP10 Atk140 Def108 Agi140
Fire125 Ice100 Wind125 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light125
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle100 Stop100
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed100 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
#205 | Material

Those who weather the storm of these bedevilled boxes' Chilly Breath still have to worry about Whack and critical attacks.

Their appetites are insatiable, and the souls of those they swallow stay in their bottomless, boxy bellies forever.

The Bowhole
Gittingham Palace
Items Dropped
Mini medal (6.25%)
Gold Rosary (1.56%)
Exp4120 Gold carried315 HP627 MP12 Atk256 Def218 Agi173
Fire100 Ice100 Wind125 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP200 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
King cureslime
#206 | Slime

They may look like mere support slimes, but as well as Fullheal and Omniheal, they can put their weight behind their big body blows.

Their emerald insides are stuffed with the stuff spells are made of, and any magic they cast is built to last.

Items Dropped
Slimedrop (1.56%)
Slime crown (0.78%)
Exp3030 Gold carried174 HP256 MP255 Atk216 Def235 Agi101
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light50
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze0 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
Gem jamboree
#207 | Slime

Bevies of blobs bonded by their love of beauty and booty. If you're lucky enough to meet one, don't let it get away.

Being at the bottom of a monolith of heavy metal makes the lowest slimes in these stacks a shade short-tempered.

Items Dropped
Gleeban gold piece (6.25%)
Gold bar (0.39%)
Exp960 Gold carried1130 HP5 MP255 Atk208 Def512 Agi296
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize5