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Dragon Quest IX guide / Bestiary

Monster data explanation
Statistics and Attributes Key
 EXP - The experience points your party will gain when killing this monster.
Gold - The gold your party will gain when killing this monster.
 ATK - The attack power of the monster.
 DEF - The defense power of the monster.
 AGI - The agility of the monster that also affects its speed.

 Fire - Fire attribute (Frizz, Frizzle, etc)
  Ice - Ice attribute (Crack, Crackle, etc)
 Wind - Wind attribute (Woosh, Swoosh, etc)
Blast - Explosion and thunder attribute (Bang, Boom, etc)
Earth - Earth attribute (Funereal fource, etc)
 Dark - Dark attribute (Zam, Zammle, etc)
Light - Light attribute (Starburst throw, Life fource, etc)

Dazle - Hallucinate/Illusion effect
Sleep - Sleep effect
Death - Instant death effect
DrnMP - Drain MP effect
Confu - Confusion effect
Fizle - Block spellcasting effect
 Stop - Stop action effect
Poisn - Poison effect
Prlyz - Paralyze effect
DecAK - Decrease attack effect
DecDF - Decrease defense effect
DecSP - Decrease speed effect
DecMR - Decrease magic resistance effect
Msmrz - Susceptibility to become mesmerized by character's style

Each monster has a value given for each of the above attributes. A higher number in a given attribute represents a weakness towards that attribute. A lower number represents strength and resistance towards that attribute. Neutral is defined by the value of 100. Values above 100 indicate weakness while values below 100 indicate strength. A value of zero (0) indicates immunity to that attribute.

For example, if a monster has Fire at 75 and Ice at 150, it would only take 75% damage from fire based attacks, but 150% damage from ice based attacks.

The numbers for the Status Attributes indicate how likely that particular status is to affect the monster when cast upon it. So you are not very likely to put a monster to sleep that has the Sleep status attribute at 25.

Finally, the percentages next to the item drops represent the percentage chance you have of acquiring that item at the end of a battle.

Bird of terrordise
#241 | Bird

Brutish birds that bring things to a boil with their burning breath, and drive enemies dotty with Kafuddle.

Supposedly named after world champion strongman Terry Terrordise, who is said to have discovered them on his travels.

Items Dropped
Fowl fan (1.56%)
Flame shield (0.78%)
Exp5560 Gold carried185 HP648 MP40 Atk514 Def528 Agi285
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed0 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Scarlet fever
#242 | Elemental

Rivers run dry, animals die, and the grass and trees are burnt to cinders when the scarlet fever walks the land.

These hellfire-exhaling horrors are born when souls that cannot rest are engulfed in evil auras. None can rest while they live.

Items Dropped
Lava lump (6.25%)
Fire blade (0.78%)
Exp5600 Gold carried115 HP743 MP28 Atk429 Def478 Agi319
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def25 Dec Speed25 Dec MR25 Mesmerize0
Hell's gatekeeper
#243 | Beast

These big-boned fellows are no fans of magic, and prefer to protect their pals while waiting for a critical to come good.

Statues possessed by ruinous spirits, they blindly obey their master's orders, and stamp out all who stand against them.

Items Dropped
Hades' helm (1.56%)
Hela's hammer (0.78%)
Exp6200 Gold carried95 HP996 MP26 Atk535 Def645 Agi115
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast150 Earth100 Dark75 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep75 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
#244 | Dragon

Worryingly weighty wyrms whose sheer size will shock anyone not sufficiently impressed by their spine-chilling strength.

Should day suddenly turn to night, turn a wary eye to the skies -- it could be a company of rampaging rashaveraks.

Items Dropped
Dragon scale (12.5%)
Brighten rock (1.56%)
Exp6600 Gold carried36 HP1124 MP30 Atk707 Def604 Agi98
Fire50 Ice100 Wind150 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle75 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison75 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Master moosifer
#245 | Demon

They can tense up in an instant, and have hellishly hot halitosis. Also able to impair attack with a filthy fog.

When they know their time has come, they voyage to the valley at the end of the underworld, and calmly breathe their last.

Items Dropped
Magic beast hide (12.5%)
Raging ruby (0.78%)
Exp7600 Gold carried175 HP1056 MP40 Atk684 Def648 Agi308
Fire50 Ice125 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark75 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
Vermil lion
#246 | Beast

They expunge spells with Disruptive Wave and burp forth black breath. Also able to mend themselves by meditating.

Cobbled together from bits of various beasts by dengerate demons, they curse their unhappy existence.

Items Dropped
Beast claws (0.78%)
Divine dress (0.78%)
Exp8120 Gold carried200 HP1378 MP36 Atk564 Def626 Agi455
Fire50 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze50 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize15
Slugly betsy
#247 | Demon

Warty, weighty witches who watch over their own with support spells. Irksome if they cast Kazing or Magic Barrier.

They may look monstrous but love nothing more than looking after the little beasties of river, sea and shore.

Items Dropped
Watermaul wand (1.56%)
Nomadic dell (0.78%)
Exp5500 Gold carried158 HP1477 MP120 Atk404 Def236 Agi170
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark150 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP200 Confusion50 Fizle75 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR0 Mesmerize10
Moai minstrel
#248 | Material

Those facing these po-faced Pierrots should overcome the urge to laugh -- a clout with Kamikazee just isn't funny.

Their face paint is put on by boa bishops, who say it brings victory. Their real faces are rather handsome.

Items Dropped
Narspicious (3.13%)
Witch's hat (1.56%)
Exp5880 Gold carried103 HP518 MP20 Atk368 Def567 Agi206
Fire100 Ice100 Wind125 Blast100 Earth75 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
Boogie manguini
#249 | Demon

Dancing yellow devils who know every step there is -- not just the support steps, but tension-building tactical ones too.

The young ones are nicknamed 'yellow-bellies', but they're not too pleased to have this pointed out by their beastly brethren.

Items Dropped
Wing of bat (12.5%)
Lunaria (1.56%)
Exp5230 Gold carried149 HP488 MP20 Atk402 Def478 Agi393
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast75 Earth125 Dark75 Light125
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
Mandrake monarch
#250 | Dragon

Well-balanced, wickedly talented warriors. When they meet with awkward opposition, they call on their companions.

The rings around their wrists and ankles aren't armour -- they're weights to keep them working out even while warring.

Items Dropped
Dragon scale (6.25%)
Veteran's helm (0.78%)
Exp5000 Gold carried167 HP735 MP32 Atk486 Def496 Agi250
Fire75 Ice75 Wind150 Blast100 Earth100 Dark75 Light125
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
Bling badger
#251 | Beast

Grandmasters of the Way of the Badja, these shining paragons bring both brains and brawn to bear in their supreme style.

Legends tells that when the badjas bow down to their sacred solid-gold statue, the bling badgers will come to save them.

Items Dropped
Magic beast hide (12.5%)
Yggdrasil leaf (0.78%)
Exp5800 Gold carried196 HP445 MP80 Atk394 Def495 Agi315
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast75 Earth150 Dark150 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison100 Paralyze100 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed100 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
Prime slime
#252 | Slime

Legendary slime soldiers who amplify their attack with Oomph, and whose lightning speed lets them attack twice on the trot.

Rumours abound about these brutal blobs. Some say they're heaven-sent, others that they're the saviours of slimekind.

Items Dropped
Valkyrie sword (1.56%)
Falcon blade (0.78%)
Exp5600 Gold carried178 HP914 MP24 Atk445 Def375 Agi432
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast50 Earth100 Dark150 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk100 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR0 Mesmerize10
Hammer horror
#253 | Aquatic

They whip up a storm with Thin Air, and engulf all in evil with their dark breath. Embrace the light to end their existence.

They loathe the light, and long to lord it over a world wrapped in the dank darkness of the ocean depths.

Items Dropped
Heavy handwear (3.13%)
Cobra claws (0.78%)
Exp6400 Gold carried145 HP874 MP54 Atk586 Def586 Agi375
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast150 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion75 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze75 Dec Atk75 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
#254 | Dragon

Their HP is so high they're nigh unkillable, they're hard to hurt with earth and fire, and their skills hit everyone. Watch out!

They're named for the fact that they're lords of the lizardly martial arts, but they have the potential to grow even greater.

Items Dropped
Dragon scale (12.5%)
Dragon claws (1.56%)
Exp6800 Gold carried65 HP1414 MP255 Atk725 Def404 Agi286
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP75 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Pale whale
#255 | Aquatic

Deep-sea dwellers who blind foes with Dazzleflash and blaze a trail with their bright breath. Darkness will defeat them.

They were the first beasts that the Great Architect Zenus placed in the oceans in the days of creation.

Items Dropped
Superior medicine (6.25%)
Wizard's hat (0.78%)
Exp7500 Gold carried126 HP1456 MP126 Atk748 Def586 Agi79
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#256 | Aquatic

True masters of the sea, these supreme seasaurs scare foes silly with a blood-curdling cry, then smash them with a tsunami.

Dealers of watery death, they rise from the depths to bring terror and destruction to all the oceans of the world.

Items Dropped
Saint's ashes (3.13%)
Cobra fan (1.56%)
Exp7000 Gold carried87 HP1127 MP64 Atk686 Def546 Agi126
Fire50 Ice50 Wind100 Blast150 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
#257 | Beast

Hideous hulk that once prowled the passages of the Hexagon, preying on travellers. The earth shakes with its every step.

Its diet consists mainly of rocks and boulders, and it loves dark places, so the Hexagon made a marvellous home.

The Hexagon
Items Dropped
Magic beast hide (100%)
Exp175 Gold carried100 HP93 MP18 Atk30 Def22 Agi11
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop100
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed100 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
Wight knight
#258 | Zombie

Black-clad knight errant who once terrorised the people of Stornway in mistaken search of his long-lost love.

He was actually once a handsome young chevalier whose fair face set hearts aflutter in the castle.

Loch Storn
Items Dropped
Iron gauntlets (100%)
Exp800 Gold carried200 HP296 MP255 Atk53 Def50 Agi45
Fire125 Ice50 Wind125 Blast75 Earth125 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle25 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize5
#259 | Demon

Came to bring destruction to Brigadoom, but was rather taken with the Wight Knight, so sealed herself away with him instead.

She chose to bring gloom to Brigadoom for reasons related to the darkest parts of the heart.

Items Dropped
High heels (100%)
Exp1600 Gold carried350 HP456 MP255 Atk56 Def58 Agi54
Fire100 Ice50 Wind125 Blast100 Earth125 Dark75 Light125
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle25 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
Ragin' Contagion
#260 | Elemental

The very essence of illness, it was sealed up in the Quarantomb for a century, but came back to curse Coffinwell once more.

This toxic pox was created to ensure that the nameless terror that slept in the Qurantomb stayed sealed inside forever.

Items Dropped
Royal soil (100%)
Exp2295 Gold carried600 HP696 MP255 Atk68 Def68 Agi50
Fire125 Ice100 Wind75 Blast100 Earth75 Dark75 Light125
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize0
Master of Nu'un
#261 | ???

Jack of Alltrades ate a fygg that had fallen from above in a bid to become god-like, but turned into this hideous beast instead.

Jack spent some time thinking up his god name, toying with 'High Jack' and 'Jackrilege' before settling on 'Master of Nu'un'.

Tower of Trades
Items Dropped
Lava lump (100%)
Exp2904 Gold carried780 HP796 MP255 Atk80 Def78 Agi56
Fire100 Ice100 Wind50 Blast100 Earth125 Dark50 Light125
Dazle25 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP200 Confusion0 Fizle25 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#262a | Aquatic

The people of Porth Llaffan worshipped this watery diety, which was really Dylan Jones in fygg-changed form.

He once swam with countless companions in the seas around Newid Isle, but Lleviathan is sadly the last of his kind.

Cuddiedig Cliff
Items Dropped
Emerald moss (100%)
Celestial skein (100%)
Exp4134 Gold carried960 HP1256 MP32 Atk110 Def90 Agi36
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast125 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
#262b | Aquatic

The people of Porth Llaffan worshipped this watery diety, which was really Dylan Jones in fygg-changed form.

He once swam with countless companions in the seas around Newid Isle, but Lleviathan is sadly the last of his kind.

Cuddiedig Cliff
Items Dropped
Emerald moss (100%)
Celestial skein (100%)
Exp32000 Gold carried4000 HP3520 MP50 Atk278 Def256 Agi128
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast125 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
Garth Goyle
#263 | Material

This stone sentry was created to stand guard over Zere Rocks. It seemed to be looking for someone called Mason...

Having lost its granite guardian, the statuesque town of Zere Rocks will surely now crumble into dust and blow away...

Zere Rocks
Items Dropped
Terrible tattoo (100%)
Exp4134 Gold carried1250 HP1054 MP255 Atk120 Def125 Agi66
Fire50 Ice100 Wind125 Blast100 Earth50 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize0
#264 | Bug

An enormous arachnid who dwelt deep in the Bad Cave, soaking up poison and perniciousness until she morphed into a man-eater.

It is said she made meals of travellers lost in her cave to feed her clutch of countless eggs.

The Bad Cave
Items Dropped
Tangleweb (100%)
Exp5231 Gold carried1500 HP1098 MP36 Atk100 Def154 Agi96
Fire75 Ice75 Wind75 Blast125 Earth100 Dark125 Light125
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
Grand Lizzier
#265 | Dragon

The fygg-altered form of the Queen of Gleeba's little lizard pal, who it turned out held a torch for his mistress all along.

He thought that eating a fygg would turn him into a mortal, but it only moved him up a short rung on the evolutionary ladder.

The Plumbed Depths
Items Dropped
Dragon scale (100%)
Exp6200 Gold carried1750 HP1276 MP40 Atk200 Def158 Agi85
Fire100 Ice125 Wind50 Blast50 Earth50 Dark150 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def25 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
#266 | Demon

The true form of Sarantsatsral, the wicked witch who tried to take control of the plains by bending Batkhaan's ear.

She was once a run-of-the-mill nobody of a monster, but found a fygg and her fortunes changed for the fatter.

Items Dropped
Enchanted stone (100%)
Exp8200 Gold carried2000 HP1562 MP255 Atk140 Def150 Agi95
Fire125 Ice125 Wind75 Blast75 Earth50 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
#267 | Humanoid

Harsh master of old-fashioned teaching techniques who held his extra-cirricular sessions in the basement of Swinedimples.

He built his academy in the wintry wastelands to toughen up his pupils. The cheap land prices didn't hurt, either...

The Old School
Items Dropped
Sage's elixir (100%)
Exp10000 Gold carried2550 HP1680 MP255 Atk160 Def170 Agi125
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle25 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5
#268 | Beast

A stalwart soul sealed in a statue and bunged into the Bowhole to test contenders in combat when the time came.

Wormwood Creekers once thought the wyrmlight bow and Gadrongo were guises of a spirit who watched over the Wyrmward.

The Bowhole
Items Dropped
Ethereal stone (100%)
Exp12500 Gold carried3050 HP2000 MP255 Atk206 Def214 Agi138
Fire75 Ice100 Wind150 Blast100 Earth50 Dark125 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
#269 | Dragon

One-time hero of the skies who watches over the world from up over Upover. Not too fond of Celestrians for some reason.

The lizard lord of light chased the Empire out of Upover three hundred years ago, and they've never forgotten the slight.

The Magmaroo
Items Dropped
Dragon scale (100%)
Exp15500 Gold carried0 HP2280 MP50 Atk188 Def214 Agi145
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize0
#270a | Beast

One of the Triumgorate. He sealed those who fell from the skies in cells and sucked out their power.

Was burnt to a cinder by Greygnarl's blazing breath three centuries ago, and brought back as a horrific hog.

Realm of the Mighty
Items Dropped
Tough guy tattoo (100%)
Densinium (100%)
Exp17500 Gold carried3550 HP2470 MP40 Atk196 Def192 Agi130
Fire75 Ice125 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
#270b | Beast

One of the Triumgorate. He sealed those who fell from the skies in cells and sucked out their power.

Was burnt to a cinder by Greygnarl's blazing breath three centuries ago, and brought back as a horrific hog.

Items Dropped
Tough guy tattoo (100%)
Densinium (100%)
Exp15500 Gold carried0 HP1235 MP40 Atk206 Def192 Agi136
Fire75 Ice125 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10

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