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Dragon Quest IX guide / Bestiary

Monster data explanation
Statistics and Attributes Key
 EXP - The experience points your party will gain when killing this monster.
Gold - The gold your party will gain when killing this monster.
 ATK - The attack power of the monster.
 DEF - The defense power of the monster.
 AGI - The agility of the monster that also affects its speed.

 Fire - Fire attribute (Frizz, Frizzle, etc)
  Ice - Ice attribute (Crack, Crackle, etc)
 Wind - Wind attribute (Woosh, Swoosh, etc)
Blast - Explosion and thunder attribute (Bang, Boom, etc)
Earth - Earth attribute (Funereal fource, etc)
 Dark - Dark attribute (Zam, Zammle, etc)
Light - Light attribute (Starburst throw, Life fource, etc)

Dazle - Hallucinate/Illusion effect
Sleep - Sleep effect
Death - Instant death effect
DrnMP - Drain MP effect
Confu - Confusion effect
Fizle - Block spellcasting effect
 Stop - Stop action effect
Poisn - Poison effect
Prlyz - Paralyze effect
DecAK - Decrease attack effect
DecDF - Decrease defense effect
DecSP - Decrease speed effect
DecMR - Decrease magic resistance effect
Msmrz - Susceptibility to become mesmerized by character's style

Each monster has a value given for each of the above attributes. A higher number in a given attribute represents a weakness towards that attribute. A lower number represents strength and resistance towards that attribute. Neutral is defined by the value of 100. Values above 100 indicate weakness while values below 100 indicate strength. A value of zero (0) indicates immunity to that attribute.

For example, if a monster has Fire at 75 and Ice at 150, it would only take 75% damage from fire based attacks, but 150% damage from ice based attacks.

The numbers for the Status Attributes indicate how likely that particular status is to affect the monster when cast upon it. So you are not very likely to put a monster to sleep that has the Sleep status attribute at 25.

Finally, the percentages next to the item drops represent the percentage chance you have of acquiring that item at the end of a battle.

#211 | Beast

They pound the ground, toppling enemies all around, then, as if that wasn't enough, they clobber them with Kaboom as well.

Demons once worshipped by a long-forgotten civilisation. They granted wishes to those who made sacrifices in their name.

Items Dropped
Densinium (3.13%)
Holy femail (0.78%)
Exp5500 Gold carried75 HP663 MP255 Atk513 Def563 Agi96
Fire100 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark50 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
Cumulus hex
#212 | Elemental

Mental elementals that mislead with Mist Me, and dish out Disruptive Waves and Freezing Blizzards. Afraid of fire and light.

Drawn to the battlefield by the scent of blood, they beckon warriors to the red clouds they ride on, never to return.

Items Dropped
Mistick (3.13%)
Flowing dress (1.56%)
Exp5850 Gold carried197 HP796 MP255 Atk462 Def472 Agi282
Fire150 Ice100 Wind50 Blast50 Earth50 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk100 Dec Def100 Dec Speed100 Dec MR100 Mesmerize0
Stale whale
#213 | Aquatic

Woeful wales who singe foes with Scorch, and whose rancid spines are rank enough to confuse anyone they touch.

Companions of Lleviathan who made a pact with an evil god to remain in the mortal realm as monsters rather than be ruined.

Items Dropped
Glass frit (6.25%)
Trident (1.56%)
Exp5700 Gold carried84 HP1244 MP24 Atk584 Def496 Agi106
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast150 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison50 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize10
Metal king slime
#214 | Slime

Big bundles of shiny joy whose ample insides hide the ingredients for an incredible experience.

They admire a certain medal-mad monarch, and like to collect mini medals from their mini metal friends to mimic his methods.

Items Dropped
Slime crown (0.78%)
Orichalcum (0.39%)
Exp120040 Gold carried80 HP16 MP0 Atk318 Def512 Agi349
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize5
#215 | Slime

Supreme slimes who ooze class, and whose incredible strength and insane speed are second only those of the gods.

They may see themselves as superior to slimes, but they still return to see in the new year with their bouncy brethren.

Items Dropped
Falcon blade (0.78%)
Pallium Regale (0.39%)
Exp6200 Gold carried184 HP825 MP72 Atk506 Def512 Agi336
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast75 Earth100 Dark150 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR0 Mesmerize10
#216 | Beast

It's said that when their crystal-clear eyes shine, even the most grizzled veterans will be laid to rest. Beware their bright breath.

The shoes that guard their hooves are incredible artefacts made from the same material as platinum king jewels' crowns.

Items Dropped
Horse manure (12.5%)
Friendly fan (0.39%)
Exp6000 Gold carried172 HP686 MP20 Atk575 Def566 Agi415
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark150 Light50
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
Wonder wyrtle
#217 | Dragon

These reptilian regents can bring down bolts of lightning and exhale gouts of flame, but aren't wild about water or darkness.

Supposedly, when wyrtles' souls depart their bodies, they are absorbed by wonder wyrtles, and earn eternal life.

Items Dropped
Tortoiseshell (12.5%)
Dragon shield (1.56%)
Exp6900 Gold carried98 HP1040 MP0 Atk606 Def720 Agi52
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast50 Earth100 Dark150 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep75 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize10
Widow's pique
#218 | Bug

They wrap their victims in sticky silk, then smack them with a stinker of an attack. Firmly insulated against fire attacks.

The reincarnated souls of spurned lovers, they spend their days as poisonous spiders weaving webs of eternal woe.

Items Dropped
Tangleweb (12.5%)
Rogue's robes (0.78%)
Exp6800 Gold carried189 HP955 MP0 Atk595 Def625 Agi302
Fire50 Ice100 Wind150 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP0 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#219 | Beast

As strong as steel, and with horns hard enough to hew rocks in two, only the toughest will best these heavyweight beasts.

They might look pretty po-faced, but they're actually rather amiable, even if they do like to live alone in quiet caves.

Items Dropped
Magic beast hide (3.13%)
Platinum ore (0.78%)
Exp4620 Gold carried110 HP522 MP36 Atk420 Def516 Agi129
Fire150 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk10 Dec Def25 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
Darkonium slime
#220 | Slime

There's not a single spell that will scratch these superslimes, who crush the competition with a powerful particle ray.

They spend their days proudly polishing their faultless facets and likening them to twinkling stars and priceless pearls.

Items Dropped
Slimedrop (3.13%)
Thinking cap (0.78%)
Exp5880 Gold carried150 HP420 MP48 Atk400 Def500 Agi403
Fire0 Ice0 Wind0 Blast0 Earth0 Dark0 Light0
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize5
Freaky tiki
#221 | Material

Menacing masks with mega defence who enfeeble foes with Eerie Light and Dazzleflash, then dish out some serious damage.

The first of their race was made when the mask jumped from the face of an ancient king and came alive under an evil spell.

Items Dropped
Terrible tattoo (3.13%)
Boss shield (0.78%)
Exp5100 Gold carried158 HP596 MP21 Atk442 Def498 Agi245
Fire75 Ice75 Wind150 Blast75 Earth75 Dark75 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death75 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR75 Mesmerize15
#222 | Material

Animated suits of armour that have high defence, don't feel wind, lightning or dark attacks, and cause bother with Bounce.

Lately, they've been getting a little tired of having to be at the beck and call of their fickle masters all the time.

Items Dropped
Iron mask (1.56%)
Ruinous shield (0.39%)
Exp5200 Gold carried134 HP454 MP24 Atk454 Def612 Agi109
Fire100 Ice100 Wind50 Blast50 Earth150 Dark50 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize10
Boa bishop
#223 | Demon

Masterly mages of the reptile kingdom. They attack twice, and can bring buddies back from the brink with Omniheal.

Their mesmerising eyes, which sap the will of those they stare at and send them to sleep, still shine even in death.

Items Dropped
Wizard's hat (1.56%)
Wizard's robe (0.39%)
Exp4400 Gold carried168 HP633 MP136 Atk309 Def296 Agi264
Fire125 Ice75 Wind100 Blast125 Earth100 Dark75 Light75
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize10
Cyber spider
#224 | Bug

Magic will make mincement of these mechanical web weavers, who mainly make use of mucus-based ammo and dazzling rounds.

Secret weapons assembled by the Empire, the flit just as fast up and down cliffs and ravines as on flat fields.

Items Dropped
Tangleweb (12.5%)
Handrills (0.78%)
Exp5800 Gold carried184 HP596 MP24 Atk478 Def488 Agi255
Fire125 Ice125 Wind125 Blast125 Earth75 Dark125 Light125
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def100 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#225 | Beast

They may be made of a muddle of bits, but these fast foes attack twice, and cast Kaboom, Bounce and Feel the Burn.

They were created by the Grand Architect, Zenus, to massacre the mortals, and faithfully follow his orders still.

Items Dropped
Mirrorstone (3.13%)
Demon whip (1.56%)
Exp6200 Gold carried195 HP1246 MP135 Atk525 Def556 Agi436
Fire75 Ice75 Wind150 Blast75 Earth100 Dark150 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison75 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
Gem slime
#226 | Slime

They await adventurers with a graceful grin, then maul them with Magic Burst. Immune to all magic.

These shining slimes were long sought by adventurers, thanks to a tale that told of all they touched turned to gold.

Items Dropped
Gold bar (0.78%)
Orichalcum (0.39%)
Exp6000 Gold carried10080 HP20 MP88 Atk455 Def512 Agi456
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize5
#227 | Machine

Reinforced robots that render attack impossible with a blast of blinding light, then slice foes silly.

They secretly scrape shavings off gem slimes to repair their gold plating when it gets patchy.

Items Dropped
Gold bar (0.78%)
Heavy hatchet (0.39%)
Exp6800 Gold carried216 HP996 MP0 Atk567 Def798 Agi124
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark200 Light75
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR50 Mesmerize0
Void droid
#228 | Machine

They shoot showers of arrows, slice savagely with their swords, and use any means available to annihilate enemies.

Brainchild of a scientist who made many weapons before crowning his career with these massively murderous machines.

Items Dropped
Mythril ore (3.13%)
Brawling brynie (0.78%)
Exp7800 Gold carried156 HP1325 MP0 Atk575 Def625 Agi348
Fire75 Ice75 Wind75 Blast200 Earth75 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR50 Mesmerize0
Platinum king jewel
#229 | Slime

The unrivalled experience of besting these hard-to-hit, Dazzle-dispensing diamonds makes them a dream come true.

They spend their days off with their metal king slime mates, gazing rapt at their reflections in their buddies' bulbous bodies.

Items Dropped
Platinum ore (12.5%)
Seed of skill (0.39%)
Exp240000 Gold carried1000 HP20 MP20 Atk356 Def546 Agi505
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize5
#230 | Demon

They wander the world searching for souls to consume, believing that each victim's cry of despair makes them ever more beautiful.

Made when misunderstood maidens, bitter at being badly treated, sell their souls to become beautiful beasts.

Items Dropped
Spangled dress (6.25%)
Fencing rock (0.78%)
Exp4250 Gold carried156 HP468 MP90 Atk396 Def396 Agi228
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk25 Dec Def25 Dec Speed25 Dec MR25 Mesmerize0
Grim reaper
#231 | Material

They render victims helpless with Deceleratle and Kasap, then swoop in to swipe their souls with their savage scythes.

Took on their innocent, doll-like shape to lull travellers into a false sense of security. Their true form is utterly hideous.

Items Dropped
Minister's mittens (1.56%)
Blessed boots (0.78%)
Exp5000 Gold carried165 HP596 MP60 Atk476 Def448 Agi383
Fire100 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP75 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed50 Dec MR100 Mesmerize5
Wight emperor
#232 | Zombie

Spine-chilling sorcerers who cast Kazam, Kafuddle and Kathwack. Face them unprepared at your own peril.

They believe that life is pain and death is eternal happiness, and love treating travellers to a taste of 'contentment'.

Items Dropped
Mitre (1.56%)
Surplice (0.78%)
Exp5250 Gold carried185 HP488 MP120 Atk465 Def455 Agi242
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP75 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
#233 | Beast

They stun enemies into inaction with a sickening cry, and must be whipped with wind if they cast Kacrack.

Born from the tales told to terrified children of malicious monsters who will come and munch them if they misbehave.

Items Dropped
Resurrock (3.13%)
Malicite (0.39%)
Exp5880 Gold carried170 HP636 MP60 Atk538 Def598 Agi255
Fire100 Ice100 Wind150 Blast100 Earth50 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
Pandora's box
#234 | Material

Countless careless kids have fallen foul of these cruel casks, which are inured against ice and wind attacks.

They love to spend their days off lolling around on the ground with their lids open, lapping up the sun and airing their insides.

Items Dropped
Mini medal (12.5%)
Gold bar (0.78%)
Exp5990 Gold carried600 HP868 MP9 Atk623 Def623 Agi407
Fire100 Ice50 Wind150 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP200 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize10
Uncommon cold
#235 | Elemental

Snow elementals that could freeze even fire, and will pitilessly turn all before them to ice unless taken out of play.

The souls of travellers who snuff it in snowstorms are set adrift on sleety winds to be consumed by the uncommon cold.

Items Dropped
Ice crystal (3.13%)
Icicle dirk (0.78%)
Exp6200 Gold carried104 HP907 MP28 Atk528 Def487 Agi356
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk0 Dec Def0 Dec Speed0 Dec MR0 Mesmerize0
#236 | Elemental

They emit waves of darkness which lower the agility and defence of all enemies. Hard to harm with earth or darkness.

All they feel is a burning need to slap the living into an endless nightmare. No one knows what the rest of their bodies look like.

Items Dropped
Flintstone (6.25%)
Evencloth (3.13%)
Exp6600 Gold carried86 HP708 MP0 Atk708 Def668 Agi72
Fire100 Ice100 Wind100 Blast100 Earth50 Dark50 Light200
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop0
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def75 Dec Speed0 Dec MR50 Mesmerize0
Blight knight
#237 | Zombie

These demonic masters of battle know no fear, and calmly await attacks, then counter them with catastrophic quickness.

They burgle the bones from brawny enemies they've beaten to beef up their bodies and get better at battle.

Items Dropped
Skull helm (1.56%)
Veteran's helm (0.78%)
Exp7000 Gold carried192 HP965 MP24 Atk695 Def598 Agi298
Fire150 Ice50 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark50 Light150
Dazle0 Sleep0 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion0 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize5
Flamin' drayman
#238 | Humanoid

These fire-powered four-wheeled fighting machines will knock foes for six or fry them with Kafrizz.

The drivers are fond of their flame-retardant unitards, and are forever fighting the flab, as it spoils the flattering fit.

Items Dropped
Rockbomb shard (3.13%)
Hephaestus' flame (1.56%)
Exp4700 Gold carried145 HP480 MP80 Atk416 Def452 Agi229
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop50
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk50 Dec Def50 Dec Speed50 Dec MR50 Mesmerize15
#239 | Beast

These heavenly horses lash out with Lightning Storm, sometimes strike twice, and read the battlefield like a book.

Some believe that the moon's craters are made by tantamounts' flaming manes as they gallop across the night sky.

Items Dropped
Horse manure (6.25%)
Friendly fan (0.39%)
Exp4600 Gold carried167 HP1056 MP60 Atk358 Def388 Agi338
Fire50 Ice150 Wind100 Blast75 Earth100 Dark100 Light100
Dazle0 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP100 Confusion50 Fizle50 Stop75
Poison50 Paralyze50 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed0 Dec MR75 Mesmerize5