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Dragon Quest IX guide / Bestiary

Monster data explanation
Statistics and Attributes Key
 EXP - The experience points your party will gain when killing this monster.
Gold - The gold your party will gain when killing this monster.
 ATK - The attack power of the monster.
 DEF - The defense power of the monster.
 AGI - The agility of the monster that also affects its speed.

 Fire - Fire attribute (Frizz, Frizzle, etc)
  Ice - Ice attribute (Crack, Crackle, etc)
 Wind - Wind attribute (Woosh, Swoosh, etc)
Blast - Explosion and thunder attribute (Bang, Boom, etc)
Earth - Earth attribute (Funereal fource, etc)
 Dark - Dark attribute (Zam, Zammle, etc)
Light - Light attribute (Starburst throw, Life fource, etc)

Dazle - Hallucinate/Illusion effect
Sleep - Sleep effect
Death - Instant death effect
DrnMP - Drain MP effect
Confu - Confusion effect
Fizle - Block spellcasting effect
 Stop - Stop action effect
Poisn - Poison effect
Prlyz - Paralyze effect
DecAK - Decrease attack effect
DecDF - Decrease defense effect
DecSP - Decrease speed effect
DecMR - Decrease magic resistance effect
Msmrz - Susceptibility to become mesmerized by character's style

Each monster has a value given for each of the above attributes. A higher number in a given attribute represents a weakness towards that attribute. A lower number represents strength and resistance towards that attribute. Neutral is defined by the value of 100. Values above 100 indicate weakness while values below 100 indicate strength. A value of zero (0) indicates immunity to that attribute.

For example, if a monster has Fire at 75 and Ice at 150, it would only take 75% damage from fire based attacks, but 150% damage from ice based attacks.

The numbers for the Status Attributes indicate how likely that particular status is to affect the monster when cast upon it. So you are not very likely to put a monster to sleep that has the Sleep status attribute at 25.

Finally, the percentages next to the item drops represent the percentage chance you have of acquiring that item at the end of a battle.

Stone golem
#078 | Material

They protect their pals with their bulky bodies, and brush off bog-standard blows with ease. Hit them hard or not at all.

The rock blocks of a ruined temple absorbed an evil aura and assembled to form the first stone golem.

Heights of Loneliness
Items Dropped
Flintstone (6.25%)
Resurrock (0.78%)
Exp400 Gold carried126 HP156 MP0 Atk104 Def130 Agi55
Fire100 Ice100 Wind200 Blast100 Earth75 Dark100 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP0 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize25
Gold golem
#096 | Material

Heavyweights who save up their strength, then hit hard. Beat them, though, and you just might break the bank.

Some say that the storied city of gold said to stand somewhere in the Djust Desert is only a gold golem seen through a heat haze.

Djust Desert
Items Dropped
Gold ring (3.13%)
Gleeban gold piece (0.39%)
Exp414 Gold carried505 HP250 MP0 Atk136 Def130 Agi77
Fire100 Ice75 Wind125 Blast100 Earth100 Dark125 Light100
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death50 Drain MP0 Confusion50 Fizle0 Stop50
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize25
#161 | Material

Though weak against wind, these stony souls will weather a storm of blows before unleashing a cataclysmic critical attack.

If you ask them which monster has the most mates, they won't hesitate to suggest their own big-headed, bricky selves.

Lonely Coast
Items Dropped
Flintstone (6.25%)
Mythril ore (0.78%)
Exp1700 Gold carried174 HP300 MP0 Atk175 Def210 Agi99
Fire75 Ice50 Wind150 Blast100 Earth100 Dark100 Light150
Dazle50 Sleep50 Death0 Drain MP0 Confusion25 Fizle0 Stop25
Poison0 Paralyze0 Dec Atk75 Dec Def75 Dec Speed75 Dec MR100 Mesmerize15
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